The last thing you should have to worry about is your loved one’s security and well-being!

Do you lose sleep worrying about the health and safety of your parents who live alone?

Get the tools and confidence to move in together and get your parents into the most secure and supportive living situation possible


Parenting Parents:  The 90-Day Plan for a Successful Move-In

the course that brings families together (literally)!

Does moving in together make sense?

Do you worry about your parents and:

  • Health and medical emergencies
  • Fall risks
  • Loneliness and social isolation
  • Daily living activities (cooking, cleaning)
  • Medication management
  • Cognitive decline
  • Caregiver availability
  • Home safety

With so many scary gaps in care and safety…

Living together just makes sense!

Let me help you with a step-by-step guide.

Finally, a step-by-step plan to make moving together with your parents the perfect solution to calm your worries.


Feel confident that you can move in together with a simple plan that covers all the bases.


Man moving boxes

Parenting Parents

10 Quick Video Lessons and a 39-page Actionable Workbook to create a custom plan for moving in together.

Create a customized plan unique to your moving situation.

Never forget important steps and have an effortless, smooth move.

Work through each lesson as a family unit.


Parenting Parents

Module 1 – In 7 days:

Deep dive into a discussion that includes dreams and doubts unique to your moving situation.

Determine Needs vs. Wants

Decide whether or not the needs can be provided for at this time using detailed prompts.


Parenting Parents

Module 2 – In 30 days:

Zero in on finances and responsibilities with a detailed checklist to tackle tough subjects with ease.

Do you need a formal agreement?  Use the discussion guide to decide.

Plan the move.  Begin the moving process with the planning checklist so you won’t forget anything.

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Parenting Parents

Module 3 – In 90 days:

Settle in with the After the Move Checklist and finalize any important details.

Create a customized family schedule to meet the needs of each family member.

Plan for the future.  Use the Future Plans Discussion Guide to navigate difficult conversations about end-of-life care and future healthcare needs.

In just a little while, you CAN decide whether a move is right for you, tackle the tough subjects, and plan for your parents’ future needs  even if you have no time to figure it out – especially if you feel like you have to decide RIGHT NOW

grandparents, children and grandchildren

This is excellent! 




Aging in place

25 Ways to Support Aging in Place

Not quite ready for the big move?

Improve your parent’s current living arrangement as they age in place.

Protect your parents’ well-being, independence, and dignity.  Use the 25 Ways to Support Aging in Place guide to help them maintain:


Allow your parents to age on their own terms.



Holly Olson founder Patient Advocate Info

Holly Olson,
Board Certified Patient Advocate

Hello, I’m Holly –

When my Mom went into memory care, I had no idea how to manage her healthcare issues AND help my 88-year-old Dad still live independently.

I spent weeks figuring out what information I needed when Mom went for medical visits and events while making sure Dad had what he needed at home.

Now I have peace of mind that both parents are living with the dignity and help they need.

As a Board Certified Patient Advocate, I help people understand our mind-boggling healthcare system and give them tools and confidence to help themselves and their loved ones get the care they deserve—without it costing a fortune.

I’m here to help you navigate eldercare so your family is in control of your future.

Let’s do this!


It’s time to take care of the parents who took care of you

Step up for your parents and put them in a safe, comfortable, loving environment with you

Parenting Parents

Regular price: $47

Today’s price: $27

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Parenting Parents for?

Parenting Parents is for busy professionals who are interested in exploring families moving in together.

The videos take you step-by-step through the workbook so you can make a plan unique to your family situation.

How long do I have access?

You will have instant, unlimited access to the Parenting Parents course and Workbook.

Once you receive the digital files, you may download/view them as often as you wish.

How is the Parenting Parents course delivered?

Parenting Parents is designed for busy people.

The short, bite-size videos go step-by-step through the Workbook to help you create your customized move-in plan in 90 days.


Is this a physical product?

No.  This is a digital product.

Videos may be viewed online.  You may print the Workbook and transcripts.  Additionally, each lesson is provided in a downloadable, audio format for listening on the go.

What does a ‘customized plan’ mean?

After you go through the modules and workbook, you will be better able to navigate the most important pieces of moving in together with parents.

Each lesson builds on the other so, as a family unit, you make the decisions that are best for your situation.

Can I use the workbook more than once?


The Workbook and 25 Ways to Support Aging In Place are yours forever.  Reprint and reuse as often as you wish.

Are you ready to plan YOUR move in with parents?

This is for you if


You think living with your parents will be a huge help, but have no idea whether it’s a good idea or not


You need help understanding how to approach a major move and make it smooth and painless


You feel intimidated when it’s time to have tough conversations about finances 


You need to organize the move but are afraid of missing important details

This is not for you if


Elderly parents in your family don’t need assistance


You have moved many times and know exactly what to do


Talking about finances and responsibilities is easy for everyone in the family


You don’t have concerns about health or safety problems in regard to your parent’s living situation

It’s time to stop worrying and live with your loved ones

Parenting Parents

Parenting Parents:  The 90-Day Plan for a Successful Move-In

You know something is going to happen –

Isn’t it time to be prepared?