Learn How to Advocate for Your Loved One
You don’t have to be a medical expert to help a loved one get quality,
affordable health care and improved health outcomes. You can learn
how to transform your loved one’s healthcare journey.
Medicine 101: An Overview of U.S. Healthcare for Patient Advocates
The stress of worrying about a loved one’s healthcare can be overwhelming. The decentralized organization of the United States healthcare system can be intimidating, difficult, and expensive to manage. Use this overview to gather information for your loved one. Information is power and it is the key to confidently getting the care your loved one deserves.
Legal 101: Basic Legal Documents for Patient Advocates
Having legal documentation to advocate for a loved one clears the path for timely, necessary, and urgent care and treatment. It also allows you to take care of practical matters such as bills and insurance claims if they are unable to do so.
Empowerment and Patient Advocacy
As a patient advocate, you can help empower patients by filling gaps in communication, care, and compliance with health care plans. When you advocate for a patient, you empower that person to be seen and heard by the health care system.