Learn How to Advocate for Your Loved One

You don’t have to be a medical expert to help a loved one get quality,
affordable health care and improved health outcomes. You can learn
how to transform your loved one’s healthcare journey.

The No Surprises Act

The No Surprises Act

The No Surprises Act “protects people covered under group and individual health plans from receiving surprise medical bills when they receive most emergency services, non-emergency services from out-of-network providers at in-network facilities, and services from out-of-network air ambulance service providers.”  The bill gives protections for those with and without insurance.  It also provides paths for bill disputes and good faith estimates.

How to Choose a Medical Facility in an Emergency

How to Choose a Medical Facility in an Emergency

There are many factors that determine the best medical facility to match with a particular medical situation. 

Match your needs with the rubric in this post to find out where you can get the appropriate care for you.

When a Patient Advocate isn’t YOUR Patient Advocate

When a Patient Advocate isn’t YOUR Patient Advocate

When your loved one is getting medical attention, you want them to be taken care of by the healthcare system quickly, efficiently, and accurately.  Whether it’s an insurance question or a response from a medical professional, it should be easy to get answers to questions.  Know when a patient advocate is working for you and when the patient advocate is working for someone else.

The Role of Patient Advocates in Patient-Centered Care

The Role of Patient Advocates in Patient-Centered Care

When you act as patient advocate for your loved one, you have the ability to see if the treatment team is putting your loved one at the center of attention.  If the patient isn’t the center of attention, you have the opportunity to gently bring the attention to where it should be – on your loved one.

What to Say at a Doctor Appointment

What to Say at a Doctor Appointment

Knowing what to say at a doctor appointment can make the difference between mediocre healthcare and optimal healthcare. In this article, we’ll show you why people don’t know what to say at doctor appointments, the consequences of not speaking up, and what to say to have the best appointment possible.

8 Tips to Sticking to a Medication Routine

8 Tips to Sticking to a Medication Routine

A medication routine works with you and your daily life situation to help you take medications consistently.  Taking medications correctly and consistently can improve health and decrease the negative effects of taking medicine irregularly or not at all.

How to Use Medication Safely and Effectively

How to Use Medication Safely and Effectively

Taking medicine WHEN you’re supposed to take it, at the prescribed DOSE, and HOW you’re supposed to take it is the goal.  Let’s take a look at drugs and medicines, how to take medicine, and how to keep a medication schedule.

How to Keep Track of Medicine

How to Keep Track of Medicine

“Anyone who is taking more than one drug is at risk.”  Issam Zineh, PharmD, U.S. Food & Drug Administration When we brought Mom home from the hospital it was late in the evening, and we were all tired and hungry.  Despite being told at 10am that Mom...

Insurance 101:  Insurance for Patient Advocates

Insurance 101: Insurance for Patient Advocates

Health insurance in America is incredibly challenging to navigate. Understanding the basics of health insurance gives you, as a patient advocate, the tools to get the care your loved one needs while and get the most out of insurance benefits. We show you how to:
1. Understand U.S. Health Insurance
2. Learn important health insurance terms
3. Figure out who is spending your money
4. Understand why healthcare insurance costs so much
5. Maximize insurance benefits for your loved one
