Learn How to Advocate for Your Loved One

You don’t have to be a medical expert to help a loved one get quality,
affordable health care and improved health outcomes. You can learn
how to transform your loved one’s healthcare journey.

Insurance 101:  Insurance for Patient Advocates

Insurance 101: Insurance for Patient Advocates

Health insurance in America is incredibly challenging to navigate. Understanding the basics of health insurance gives you, as a patient advocate, the tools to get the care your loved one needs while and get the most out of insurance benefits. We show you how to:
1. Understand U.S. Health Insurance
2. Learn important health insurance terms
3. Figure out who is spending your money
4. Understand why healthcare insurance costs so much
5. Maximize insurance benefits for your loved one

Medicine 101:  An Overview of U.S. Healthcare for Patient Advocates

Medicine 101: An Overview of U.S. Healthcare for Patient Advocates

The stress of worrying about a loved one’s healthcare can be overwhelming. The decentralized organization of the United States healthcare system can be intimidating, difficult, and expensive to manage. Use this overview to gather information for your loved one. Information is power and it is the key to confidently getting the care your loved one deserves.

Understanding Your Privacy Rights: The Privacy Act & HIPAA

Understanding Your Privacy Rights: The Privacy Act & HIPAA

Protecting your private information is essential, especially when it comes to your healthcare. In this post, we will explore what these laws cover, what is legal and illegal when it comes to sharing health information, and steps you can take to protect your privacy.

Solo Aging: Navigating Life’s Later Chapters Independently

Solo Aging: Navigating Life’s Later Chapters Independently

As our society evolves, so do the ways we approach aging. An increasingly common phenomenon is "solo aging" - growing older without the traditional support system of a spouse or children. Whether by choice or circumstance, more adults are finding themselves navigating...

The Growing Role of Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare: What You Need to Know

The Growing Role of Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare: What You Need to Know

In recent years, the healthcare landscape has seen a noticeable shift, with nurse practitioners (NPs) increasingly taking on roles traditionally filled by doctors. Understanding the reasons behind this shift, as well as the qualifications and capabilities of nurse practitioners, can help demystify this evolving aspect of healthcare.
